
How to get RSS flux in QML

For this example, i using the QtQuick 1.1, but normally, you shouldn’t have problem if you use the newer version of QtQuick.

For this example, i getting the RSS from

id: xmlModel
source: ""
query: "/rss/channel/item
namespaceDeclarations: "declare namespace content=\"\";"   //For getting content:encoded !!
XmlRole { name: "pubDate"; query: "pubDate/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "titre"; query: "title/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "description"; query: "description/string()" }
XmlRole { name: "detail"; query: "content:encoded/string()" }            //You should declare the namespace for getting this parameters

And now your xmlModel is ready you can use

id: listView
model: xmlModel

For getting this example :

media:thumbnail url="<a href=""></a>"height="75" width="75"


XmlRole { name: "thumbnail"; query: 'media:thumbnail/@url/string()' }